di suatu waktu
di suatu ketika
aku disini
duduk menghitung waktu
pada jam usang tinggalan arwah tok ku
tik.. tik... tik...
apa yang mau kau isyaratkan?
sekian abad kau bergerak
mengapa kau masih enggan berbicara?
Rabu Sept 17, 2003 2:43 pm
Get all information about home theater system, enjoy your self and feel free.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Revolusi tv...
hitam putih
skrin rata
Mana satu pilihan anda...?
Monday, March 29, 2010
Komunikasi semut
Penelitian ilmiah tentang semut menunjukkan adanya jaringan komunikasi yang luar biasa di antara makhluk ini. Dalam artikel di majalah National Geographic menjelaskan:
Semut berkomunikasi dengan mengeluarkan bebauan dari tubuhnya. Zat kimia yang dikeluarkan oleh semut dari koloni yang sama adalah berbeza dengan koloni yang lain. Itulah sebabnya jika dua semut bertemu akan saling menyentuh untuk saling "membaui" dan mengetahui asal-usul masing2. Jejak ini juga digunakan semut pekerja sebagai penanda tempat.
Semut juga memiliki metode komunikasi yang cukup berbeza daripada organ pancaindera mereka yang peka. Mereka menggunakan organ pancaindera ini setiap saat dalam hidup mereka, dari menemukan mangsa hingga saling mengikut sesamanya, dari membangun sarang hingga bertarung...
Al Quran memberi informasi menarik ketika kita membicarakan tentara Nabi Sulaiman as. dan menyebut adanya "sistem komunikasi" yang maju di antara semut. Ayat itu sebagai berikut:Hingga apabila mereka sampai di lembah semut, berkatalah seekor semut: "Hai semut-semut, masuklah ke dalam sarang-sarangmu, agar kamu tidak diinjak oleh Sulaiman dan tentaranya, sedangkan mereka tidak menyedari.
(Surat An-Naml: 18)
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Anytime With Home Entertainment Theatre Systems
It is fun to go to the theatre to watch a movie with friends, but most people prefer to relax at home with home entertainment theatre systems. Watching movies at the theatre can run into mega bucks, if you decide to visit the concession stand. Drinks alone can run up a bill of over $20 if four people are watching the movie.
The cost of the movies seen on a home entertainment movie screen would cost about $4.00. People that value their time can value the simplistic approach to watching movies at home. Movie time is fun time with friends because movies can be seen at anytime.
Many people have upgraded their home televisions to include surround sound and when shopping for these systems, it is not improbable to find many of them on sale. During recent holiday shopping jaunts, shoppers found home entertainment systems and surround sound systems on sale. Retailers were hoping to entice customers to buy so that new inventories could be moved onto the showroom floor. These home entertainment systems were hot sellers during the past holiday season.
The cost of the movies seen on a home entertainment movie screen would cost about $4.00. People that value their time can value the simplistic approach to watching movies at home. Movie time is fun time with friends because movies can be seen at anytime.
Many people have upgraded their home televisions to include surround sound and when shopping for these systems, it is not improbable to find many of them on sale. During recent holiday shopping jaunts, shoppers found home entertainment systems and surround sound systems on sale. Retailers were hoping to entice customers to buy so that new inventories could be moved onto the showroom floor. These home entertainment systems were hot sellers during the past holiday season.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
High-definition television (or HDTV) is a digital television broadcasting system with higher resolution than traditional television systems (standard-definition TV, or SDTV). HDTV is digitally broadcast; the earliest implementations used analog broadcasting, but today digital television (DTV) signals are used, requiring less bandwidth due to digital video compression.
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